domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Follow up

Dad's lunch was great, so great, even, that I forgot to take pictures... sorry. Anyway I ended up making some simple bananas fosters alla mexicana, which is to say:

Bananas (try some platanos machos, if you are feeling adventurous!!)
Canela (MEXICAN, not gringo, cinnamon)
cream.... mexican style, like creme fraiche

saute bananas in butter
add sugar till caramelized
add Canela
Rum, and then flambee
serve on a hot plate with a dallop of the creme fraiche that has been mixed with a few drops of vanilla and a small amount of sugar... it shouldn't be very sweet, its supposed to balance out the sweetness of the bananas, sugar, and rum.

I'm exhausted right now so i will write again later.
ps. I am starting my teacher's degree course soon, wish me suerte!!!

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